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Wellness Programs for Oak Ridge, NW Greensboro, Summerfield, and Stokesdale

Rehability offers comprehensive support and wellness programs for patients in the areas of Oak Ridge, NW Greensboro, Summerfield, and Stokesdale. The programs are comprehensive, and they are based on sound scientific principles of ...

  • movement
  • rehabilitation
  • nutrition
  • therapeutic movements

Each person’s needs and goals are considered during the development of a custom fitness program. Applied Functional Science, or AFS, informs the therapy protocols that are created for patients. Scientific methods enhance patient outcomes with effective conditioning and prevention therapies.

Dr. Majancsik has extensive experience and training in these areas, and his work includes the most advanced, evidence-based techniques.

He holds three elite fitness certifications:

  • NSCA: The National Strength and Conditioning Association
  • NASM: National Academy of Sports Medicine
  • ACSM: American College of Sports Medicine

Nutrition Expertise

Customization is a critical part of any effective nutrition program, and the professionals at Rehability are dedicated to providing this support. Dr. Michael Majancsik believes in guiding his practice by grounding rehabilitation therapies in scientific methodologies.

He studied intensively for more than four decades, and this included graduate-level education at the Functional Medicine University program. When a person doesn’t feel well, they may seek medical care even if there is no identifiable pathology present at the time, for example. Dr. Majancsik calls these cases “derangements or blockages in normal physiology.”

This is the condition before the disease progresses to the point of being a clinically recognized pathology. These total health programs are tailored to the needs of the patient, so they have more impact than generic health plans.

Rehability offers the highest-rated software for dietary analysis, and this is the same program used by leading diet experts. Our partners do the blood work and urinalysis to reveal how each person’s body is utilizing the available nutrients. Hotel workers, restaurant workers, and even other healthcare professionals in Oak Ridge, NW Greensboro, Summerfield, and Stokesdale can find relief from low back pain, neck pain, headaches, and chronic pain with a custom fitness plan.

Contact us today to get started.

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424-FOR-BACK-PAIN-RELIEF (562) 424-1165

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